I don't have much new to show, but I thought I'd put up a comparison post. A lot of these pictures are repeats but I separated them by genus and labeled them by age and sex if I knew it. We still haven't caught some varieties (like an adult male harrier) and I'm missing pictures of a few (like a female kestrel), but I thought this would give a good look at the hawks we have been catching, with side-by-side comparisons to show some differences.
Falcons:Immature Merlin
Immature male kestrel
Immature peregrine
Accipiters: Sharp-shinnedTwo immature birds, female on the left, male on the right:
Two adults with different shades of the eyes:
Northern goshawkImmature
These are three different birds
Circus:Northern harrierImmature
Adult female
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