February 16, 2012

White-throated Spadebill

We're back in San Jose now, then off to Tortuguero tomorrow, where we'll meet up with Amanda's grandma and friends! This is the grandmother that went out banding with us in Bolinas over the summer and was gracious enough to lug a new lens down here for me, THANK YOU BEE!

Good times in the mountains! A few new species caught and seen, including Magnificent Hummingbirds, Long-tailed Silky Flycatchers, a Buff-fronted Quail Dove, and Slaty Flowerpiercers.

This was definitely the bird of the week though. It was the first of the day on a really windy morning and none of us had even seen one in the times we'd been up at Madre Selva, so it was obviously a winner.

White-throated Spadebill


1 comment:

  1. That bird is not that good. Definitely not bird of the week.
