Here's a list of species (53) we saw in the couple of hours with Rich:
American robin, brown headed cowbird, red winged blackbird, western scrubjay, Oregon junco, mallard duck, California quail, hairy woodpecker, steller's jay, American goldfinch, American crow, acorn woodpecker, downy woodpecker, Allen's hummingbird, tree swallow, sharp shinned hawk, brewer's blackbird, chestnut backed chickadee, ruby crowned kinglet, black phoebe, great blue heron, American wigeon, pie billed grebe, osprey, spotted towhee, purple finch, double crested cormorant, song sparrow, wrentit, pine siskin, Wilson's warbler, band tailed pigeon, pacific wren, pygmy nuthatch, pacific slope flycatcher, brown creeper, turkey vulture, piliated woodpecker, California towhee, red tailed hawk, white tailed kite, violet green swallow, common raven, Nuttall's woodpecker, varied thrush, golden crowned kinglet, oak titmouse, bushtit, warbling vireo, yellow rumped warbler, golden crowned sparrow and red shouldered hawk.
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